Preview image of Kapow Punch Clock

Kapow Punch Clock

Kapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you’re working on one project or many. Simply clock in and out with the Start/Stop button. If you make a mistake in your hours, you can go back and edit any of the entries by double-clicking on the session in question. Kapow also allows you to easily keep track of the hours since you last billed a client, by providing a helpful “Billed” check box—the totals will reflect your work after the last billed session.


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Version 1.6.2

Released on January 16, 2024, under the GPL version 3.

Previous Versions


  • Only allow a single instance to run
  • Replaced deprecated code

Bug Fixes

  • FIXED: Did not quit when close-to-tray was enabled
  • FIXED: System tray icon did not work in Windows

Translation Updates

Spanish, Turkish


Dependencies: Qt

Linux (Ubuntu PPA)Details

Dependencies: Qt

Windows 10 x64Details

Size: 10.4 MB
SHA256: 0ae921b6ce45cb541869dc9e2d202784e4552962078475370b48098b13d93259
PGP: ASCII armored signature
Includes: Qt 6.6.1

Windows 10 x64 (Portable)Details

Size: 13.5 MB
SHA256: 41af1975ead431be67c90eb7e6ae2c0b1bdc1ff626cc3da104dba983beffb54c
PGP: ASCII armored signature
Includes: Qt 6.6.1

Source CodeDetails

Size: 847.4 kB
SHA256: aaeb1fe4f4fc671a7c3180757f9aa53f8466588ccce106eda84eba8c69adbf02
PGP: ASCII armored signature
Dependencies: Qt 6.2

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