Category: FocusWriter (Page 1 of 12)

I really did not expect to be making releases of my programs anytime soon, but things come up. First somebody reported a crash in Tetzle when attaching multiple pieces, then somebody else reported that player names were messed up in the high scores dialogs of my games under Windows, and finally the tool I used to update the Linux desktop integration files is unmaintained and broken so I needed to replace my use of that. Oh, and Whisker Menu did not show up in the right location when using multiple monitors under Wayland. Whew. I think that covers everything! I doubt most users will notice a difference—although packagers will need to add gettext as build dependency—but enjoy the new updates! And now I am going to take a break for a while… I hope. 😉

FocusWriter 1.8.9 released

Posted on October 11, 2024, under FocusWriter

I accidentally let this bugfix version of FocusWriter slip through the cracks. I did all of the work on it back in June, and then I got distracted with Tetzle and I never ended up making a release. 😲 I think at the time there were a few other bugs I thought I was going to look into, but I never made a note of which ones. 🤦 Oh, well, better late than never.

FocusWriter 1.8.6 released

Posted on January 16, 2024, under FocusWriter

What’s New?

New Features

  • Added shortcuts for selecting by paragraph


  • Replaced deprecated code
  • Updated Unicode symbols database
  • Updated Windows dictionaries

Bug Fixes

  • FIXED: Always incremented number for imported themes
  • FIXED: Unable to update contents of theme background image
  • FIXED: Modifying themes sometimes removed backgrounds
  • FIXED: Decompression failed in Haiku

Translation Updates

Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish


Linux (Ubuntu PPA)
Windows 10 x64
Windows 10 x64 (Portable)
Source Code
