Category: FocusWriter (Page 3 of 12)

FocusWriter 1.7.0 released

Posted on December 11, 2018, under FocusWriter

I have released a new version of FocusWriter, version 1.7.0. There aren’t a lot of changes, but I bumped the version number for a couple of reasons. First, I did add a few minor features. Second, I have now switched to 64-bit binaries for Windows and I wanted to make that clear with a full version bump. Go forth and enjoy!

I was planning on following the new format for the release announcements, but since almost every single app has the same changes, it would be quite repetitive. I updated basically every single program to have better installers on Windows and the Mac, and fixed the compile process to not have extra warnings during release builds.

The important thing is that I updated to Qt 5.11, and this means that FocusWriter should be able to save to Dropbox! I say should because the bug report is closed as fixed, but I don’t use Dropbox so I can’t test for myself. Enjoy!

FocusWriter 1.6.12 released

Posted on April 14, 2018, under FocusWriter

I made a small but important release of FocusWriter, version 1.6.12, this morning. I have removed auto-save from FocusWriter because several users have contacted me about data loss related to it. I have not been able to solve those issues yet, so that safest thing to do for now is to remove it entirely and prevent other users from losing data. I have also tweaked the emergency cache to ignore completely empty cache files. This will also prevent data loss by not prompting to load from cache if there is no data to load. Let me know if you have any issues!

Another small FocusWriter release

Posted on August 25, 2017, under FocusWriter

I made a small bugfix release of FocusWriter, version 1.6.7. I fixed a few minor issues: the printing now no longer adds extra indenting; the window margin of the themes respects 1-pixel margins again; and finally the background of the text area is no longer incorrectly scaled on HiDPI displays. Enjoy!

I just realized I forgot to announce the releases I made at the beginning of the month! Oops. This poor, neglected blog.

I updated all of my projects, and for the most part it was a very minor release that fixed an installation bug in Linux or updated the translations. Of course, FocusWriter had a few more fixes than the rest, but that is to be expected as it is a much more complicated program. And Tanglet actually had a feature release, thanks to Markus Enzenberger. If you have not yet updated, enjoy!
