Category: Gottet (Page 2 of 2)

I should have announced this sooner, but better late than never I suppose. I will no longer be creating new PowerPC builds of my programs. There are many reasons, but the biggest two are that my iBook G3 finally gave up the ghost, and that Qt has dropped support for PowerPC. I know that this is an inconvenience for some of my users, and I am sorry about that. Still, I hung in there as long as I could, but Apple has moved on.

No install for you!

Posted on June 18, 2008, under CuteMaze, Gottet, NovProg, Tetzle

While testing things yesterday, I discovered that none of my projects install the executables when compiled from source. Oops. I don’t usually try to install them, so I’m not surprised I missed it. I guess nobody else does either, otherwise I expect I would’ve heard about this already.

I am going to be making releases of Gottet, NovProg2, and Tetzle today. I am also planning on making a release of CuteMaze, but that is being delayed while I work out the last few details of porting it to Qtopia4—thanks go to Alessandro Briosi for porting CuteMaze and Gottet to Qtopia4.

Even Tetris can have bugs

Posted on May 24, 2008, under Gottet

Tetris is such a simple game, it should be easy to make! And it is. It’s also quite easy to overlook a few things. I fixed two issues (pieces would stick to the left edge if you rotated them there, and at 225 lines the pieces jumped to an insane fall speed) and made a small performance tweak: it now caches the tile images for the board.

I’m actually amazed by how popular Gottet is, considering the abundance of Tetris clones available. I wasn’t expecting there to be any downloads at all, to be honest. Shows what I know!
