Category: NovProg (Page 2 of 2)

Over the past week and a half, I have made releases for all of my projects. Most of them were pretty minor, and just amounted to updating the translations (and fixing an issue where the Qt-supplied translations were not being properly loaded). Packagers will now need to depend on lrelease, because I no longer include the precompiled binary .qm files.

The projects with actual feature releases were CuteMaze, Hexalate, Tanglet, and Tetzle. For the most part, the features added will not be obvious unless you have a 4K monitor, because the biggest thing I added was support for high-DPI displays. I did also finish moving my projects to be Qt 5 only, and to use C++11.

As usual, report any issues you have. Enjoy!

NovProg is alive!

Posted on November 2, 2014, under NovProg


It feels strange to bring an old project of mine back to life, but here we go: I have updated NovProg and made a new release, version 3.0.0! It has languished quite by accident, as I have been distracted by bigger and shinier projects. No more!

New in this release is a tab to show you the progress on each day. I find this to be far more useful than just seeing the total graph. The graphs now include bars to show you how much you have to do each day to meet your total goal, and the days which you meet it have green bars.

Daily graph

This is the first release for Windows that uses a static build of Qt. This makes the total install much smaller (a reduction from 48MiB to 17MiB is pretty significant), but it makes the executable itself much larger. If it works well I will be switching all of my future releases of the rest of my projects to work the same way.

Another new feature is the ability to specify a starting word count for your novel. So, if you’re already into a project, say a certain novel writing marathon in the month of November, you can jump in the middle. Enjoy!

I should have announced this sooner, but better late than never I suppose. I will no longer be creating new PowerPC builds of my programs. There are many reasons, but the biggest two are that my iBook G3 finally gave up the ghost, and that Qt has dropped support for PowerPC. I know that this is an inconvenience for some of my users, and I am sorry about that. Still, I hung in there as long as I could, but Apple has moved on.

No install for you!

Posted on June 18, 2008, under CuteMaze, Gottet, NovProg, Tetzle

While testing things yesterday, I discovered that none of my projects install the executables when compiled from source. Oops. I don’t usually try to install them, so I’m not surprised I missed it. I guess nobody else does either, otherwise I expect I would’ve heard about this already.

I am going to be making releases of Gottet, NovProg2, and Tetzle today. I am also planning on making a release of CuteMaze, but that is being delayed while I work out the last few details of porting it to Qtopia4—thanks go to Alessandro Briosi for porting CuteMaze and Gottet to Qtopia4.
