Category: Peg-E (Page 2 of 2)

Minor Peg-E release

Posted on June 9, 2012, under Peg-E

I just made a new release of Peg-E, version 1.1.1. This is the first release in a little over three years, which is a remarkable statement about how much FocusWriter has steamrolled my smaller projects. :razz: This release is mostly just to fix a couple of minor bugs and add Dutch and Hebrew translations, but it also signals my intention to resume work on Peg-E. Enjoy!

I should have announced this sooner, but better late than never I suppose. I will no longer be creating new PowerPC builds of my programs. There are many reasons, but the biggest two are that my iBook G3 finally gave up the ghost, and that Qt has dropped support for PowerPC. I know that this is an inconvenience for some of my users, and I am sorry about that. Still, I hung in there as long as I could, but Apple has moved on.

A new Peg-E release

Posted on April 21, 2009, under Peg-E

Despite my earlier exuberance, I have decided that KDE is not a good fit for me. Because of this, I have copied the changes unrelated to KDE that I made to Peg-E back into the Qt 4 version. The two largest additions in this release are the addition of two more algorithms for creating puzzles, and the ability to change the color of the pegs. Enjoy!

Peg-E has a new home!

Posted on February 8, 2009, under Peg-E

Yesterday I moved Peg-E into KDE’s playground in preparation to (hopefully) become part of KDE games! All future development will be done in KDE’s subversion repository, but I will be leaving the current version online for archival purposes. Here’s a screenshot of the current build:


Another fun diversion

Posted on January 26, 2009, under Peg-E

I had so much fun writing Simsu that I decided to write another quick game. I have to be careful, though, otherwise all of my free time is going to be eaten up writing fun little diversions and I won’t get anything done on larger projects. This program is called Peg-E, and it is a version of peg solitaire. The boards are randomly generated instead of the traditional plus layout. If you want more details, you can visit my site. I happen to think it is quite addicting!
