Category: Tanglet (Page 2 of 3)

I just realized I forgot to announce the releases I made at the beginning of the month! Oops. This poor, neglected blog.

I updated all of my projects, and for the most part it was a very minor release that fixed an installation bug in Linux or updated the translations. Of course, FocusWriter had a few more fixes than the rest, but that is to be expected as it is a much more complicated program. And Tanglet actually had a feature release, thanks to Markus Enzenberger. If you have not yet updated, enjoy!

Over the past week and a half, I have made releases for all of my projects. Most of them were pretty minor, and just amounted to updating the translations (and fixing an issue where the Qt-supplied translations were not being properly loaded). Packagers will now need to depend on lrelease, because I no longer include the precompiled binary .qm files.

The projects with actual feature releases were CuteMaze, Hexalate, Tanglet, and Tetzle. For the most part, the features added will not be obvious unless you have a 4K monitor, because the biggest thing I added was support for high-DPI displays. I did also finish moving my projects to be Qt 5 only, and to use C++11.

As usual, report any issues you have. Enjoy!

I should have announced this sooner, but better late than never I suppose. I will no longer be creating new PowerPC builds of my programs. There are many reasons, but the biggest two are that my iBook G3 finally gave up the ghost, and that Qt has dropped support for PowerPC. I know that this is an inconvenience for some of my users, and I am sorry about that. Still, I hung in there as long as I could, but Apple has moved on.

More releases!

Posted on October 29, 2011, under Tanglet

Good news, Tanglet fans! I have made a new release, version 1.2.0. This release includes some graphical improvements along with its new features. There is now the option to choosing how dense the board will be, as well as requiring words to start with more than 3 letters if you are looking for even more of a challenge. By default a list of how many words of each length that you have found is shown along the bottom. And finally, I made it a lot easier to share games by adding the option to import or export them.

I was getting tired of how the board was just a bunch of rounded rectangles, so I made the letters look like they are on actual dice. I also gave the timer bar some gloss as it was starting to look a little out of place next to the new board. These changes inspired me to create a completely new icon.

New Tanglet icon

Example Tanglet game

Many thanks go to Bentzy Sagiv for a Hebrew translation, and Bas Duineveld for a Dutch translation.

New Tanglet!

Posted on March 20, 2010, under Tanglet

I have just released Tanglet 1.1.0. The two biggest features are the addition of several more timer modes, and the option of playing on a larger board. Some of the smaller changes include an option to see the maximum score (either during gameplay, or at the end of play), and an option to hide the missed words list.

I also tweaked the interface slightly. I added an outline to the text in the timer to make it easier to read. I also tweaked it so that the text highlight changes from a light blue to a darker blue when a word is long enough to be guessed.
