Category: Uncategorized (Page 2 of 2)

I have returned

Posted on February 22, 2011, under Uncategorized


I’m back and feeling refreshed!

Now that I’m back, I’ve mapped out a rough idea of what I plan to work on over the next few months (subject to change, obviously). First of all, despite FocusWriter being my largest userbase, I’m only planning on doing bugfix releases over the next few months, with maybe one or two minor additions along the way if they’re simple. The rest of my projects have gotten severely neglected in the wake of FocusWriter’s success, and I need to work on them for a while. Don’t worry, FocusWriter fans, I am planning a bigger update later this year. More details on that in a later post.

With this in mind, first up is Tetzle. I’m updating the graphics, fixing bugs, and optimizing the performance of the game. After that, I plan to make a feature update to Kapow, and then likely I’ll blow the dust off of one of my other games (Tanglet or Connectagram), and add in several good feature ideas submitted by the users.

So that’s how things stand right now. Hope that you’ve all been well!

On vacation

Posted on January 14, 2011, under Uncategorized


Things have gotten so busy around here ever since FocusWriter exploded in popularity after the 1.3 release! When I started writing open source software I never imagined my programs would gain such a following. I’m incredibly grateful to all of the people who have helped spread the word about them, translated them into other languages, donated, and generally helped to make the projects as successful as they’ve become.

That said, the increased traffic means I need to do two things:

  • First, I’m taking a break. I’ve been working solidly on Gott Code projects for more than a year, and I need a vacation. 😛 I’m planning to take a few weeks off.
  • Second, I’ve been getting so many emails that I can no longer to respond to all of them individually. If you send me a feature request, or a bug report that needs no follow-up, you can be assured that I have added it to its respective list and will work through the additions and changes as I get to them. Obviously, not every feature request is going to make it into the program, and even if it does it could take a few versions because I have so many plans. But I do consider every request I receive.

Alright, that’s it for now. See you in a few weeks, folks!
