FocusWriter 1.4.5 released

Posted on March 25, 2014, under FocusWriter

I have made a new bugfix release of FocusWriter, version 1.4.5. This release fixes quite a few smaller bugs. It will most likely be the last bugfix release I make before the next feature release, which if I hope to have finished soon. Enjoy!


pleasingtothemind says:

March 26, 2014 at 9:07 pm

“the next feature release, which if I hope to have finished soon”

Exciting news. Do you have a project road map which is publicly viewable?

Off the top of my head, the only thing which jumps out at missing is auto-grammar corrections (specifically, capitalizing first letters of a sentence, place names, and the word ‘I’). A thesaurus would be a neat feature too.

Love this application. It’s always open with several tabs.

kingstonjazz says:

March 30, 2014 at 6:38 pm

Hello Graeme.

Just wanted to thank you for your excellent work with FocusWriter. I’ve been using it all weekend long to work on a grant application. It’s just great! Love the way it strips out formatting when copying from Word, and .odt as an output format is perfect for me.

You have a perfectly walked a fine line between adding features and keeping things simple. FocusWriter has quickly displaced PyRoom, Bean, and OmmWriter as my new full-screen distraction-free editor.

I do my best to support and use cross-platform Open Source Software wherever possible. Though I’m new to FocusWriter, it’s already earned a spot alongside my other cross-platform favourites such as Firefox, Thunderbird, KeePassX, Eclipse, OpenNX, and VirtualBox. Thanks so much and keep up the fantastic work

kokuzendo says:

April 5, 2014 at 1:28 am

I just started using the last portable version, and it´s great. I just want to ask, is it a problem with my keyboard, or the ctrl+down arrow for going to the next paragraph and ctrl+up for going to the beginning of the previous doesn´t work? I agree with pleasingtothe mind about capitalizing the first letters of a sentence and the word “I” would be useful. Actually, having replacements would be nice too, but that can wait. THANKS for a great program!

Graeme says:

April 5, 2014 at 9:15 am

@kokuzendo Thanks, I’m glad you like it! There is no problem with your keyboard; FocusWriter doesn’t do that, but I will consider adding it. However, I won’t be adding automatic capitalizing the first letters of sentences; that’s what the shift key is for. Sorry.

kokuzendo says:

April 5, 2014 at 9:54 pm

You’re very welcome. Capitalizing the first letter of a sentence is not that critical, of course. Ctrl+ arrow up or down to go to the beginning of a paragraph or to the the next one, actually, is common to most text editors and word processors, and really useful, so, it would be a good addition. Once again, thanks so much for a very good software. I remember the first or second version, and it has improved greatly!

Jack Wolfe says:

April 20, 2014 at 4:46 pm

Out of curiosity, would it be possible to implement an underscore style cursor? Thanks!

Graeme says:

April 20, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Sorry, but the text cursor is drawn by QTextEdit, and it doesn’t allow that kind of control.
