Posted on June 17, 2008, under Programming
I’ve worked with a few different source control systems in the past, but none of them have really clicked with me. My projects are usually small, they don’t have much history, and I’ve been the only work working on them, so I haven’t had them in any source control systems. But now that they are online, I really should change that.
So I have changed that! DreamHost supports subversion repositories, but I’m not a huge fan of subversion. I wouldn’t want there to just be one central location for the repository—what happens if it goes offline? And who says that my repository should be the only one? That doesn’t fit with the whole open source mindset. Sure, I started these projects, but other people are free to pick them up and run with them in different (and even incompatible) directions.
Instead, I have chosen git, which really embodies that attitude. I didn’t feel like setting up the public repositories myself, so I am using GitHub. Plus, GitHub make it very easy for someone to fork one of my projects and start their own version.
With all of that said, you can find my repositories here.
SteveC says:
June 19, 2008 at 6:28 pm
> Plus, github make it very easy for someone
> to fork one of my projects and start their
> own version.
This is true, but only if you ignore the fact that orders of magnitude more people are already comfortable using svn (or cvs) than are comfortable using git.
(One of these days I have to sit down and really learn git. Would be more likely to happen if my company allowed git through the firewall.)
Graeme says:
June 20, 2008 at 2:45 pm
I was making reference to the fact that github has a button on every repository page that allows you to fork your own version.
On the subject of learning git, I found this guide a good reference for those already familiar with subversion.